6 Months of Tonal Vibrations of Tchaikovsky’s Swan Lake Expressed in Crystal

crystalize tokujin yoshioka (21)unless otherwise noted, all images courtesy Tokujin Yoshioka

“Nature shows us a beauty that exceeds our imagination,” says Tokujin Yoshioka. “The forms of nature are unique and cannot be reproduced. This endows them with mysterious beauty and makes them fascinating to us”.

As part of the Japanese designer’s large-scale one-man show at MOT in Tokyo, Yoshioka has installed a peculiar work he calls “a painting.” Looking much more like a bed of water than a painting, the piece is actually 6-months’ worth of crystal that have been growing, layer by layer, inside a glass tank. It’s truly a work of art that has been ceded to the hand of mother nature.

phenomworld crystal

image courtesy phenomworld | click to enlarge

But the crystals haven’t just been sitting there quietly. Throughout the whole time they’ve been exposed to the music from Tchaikovsky’s ballet, Swan Lake. The tonal vibrations and pulsations materialize within the crystal, dictating its final form.

According to Phenom World, a Netherlands based manufacturer of electron microscopes and other high-tech imaging tools, “crystals exposed to music showed differences in size, form and structure of the surface. But what exactly about different frequencies and rhythm vibrations causes the change still remains a mystery.


“I believe that a design is not something that is completed through being given a form, but rather something that is completed by the human heart. I also feel that incorporating the principles and movements of nature into ideas will become something important in future design.”

crystalize tokujin yoshioka (20)

crystalize tokujin yoshioka (19)

crystalize tokujin yoshioka (16)


  1. wwowww 🙂 How did this start off ? Is it a particular type of crystal ???

  2. Google Maseru Emoto.

  3. Hi Kris,

    The crystal used is crystal meth.

  4. So fascinating! I am hoping that Michael was amazing
    in his performances of Swan Lake–the only reviews
    I read were of performances which he didn’t dance.
    But the reviews were very positive, impressive!

  5. Amazing crystal geometry. Funny thing science is trying to figure out how frequencies via music can create geometry. I say, stopping figuring it out and appreciate universal source. Here some other cool geometry I came across. http://www.orgoneenergypramids.com

  6. What happens when you replay the music after the crystal has hardened?

  7. Eles se organizam por causa do efeitos das ondas, as ondas criam locais com baixa energia e locais com mais energia (Energia mecânica) isto então empurra os elementos para locais específicos.

  8. Cool show! I’ve been making visual art with my voice since the early 80s, the ongoing Harmonic Visions. There are examples in my Facebook photo albums and my website. I created the harmonicvision program to translate harmonic frequencies of my voice into the corresponding flowing geometric forms in a pool, following Cymatics procedures I used in the 80s– sound waves form patterns in mercury, sand and water. Since 2000, I use the special software program which visualizes the harmonic sound waves of my voice in a “crystal pool”…

  9. I’ve seen something similar to this in water crystals.

  10. Divyanshi Jain, thanks for sharing link. it’s really amazing.

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