The Magnetic Air Bonsai Creates Surreal Levitating Plants


We’ve never had much of a green thumb but maybe we’ll have more luck with an air thumb? A small Japanese company based out of Kyushu has created a fun, poetic twist on indoor gardening. By utilizing the opposing forces of magnetic energy they’ve created a levitating plant called Air Bonsai.

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The Air Bonsai consists of 2 main components, the “energy base,” made from Japanese ceramic, and the levitating “little star.”  Both come with built-in magnets that enable the levitation. The base also comes with an AC adapter and needs to be plugged in.

Hoshinchu, the Kyushu-based workshop that created Air Bonsai, recently launched a crowd-funding campaign on Kickstarter to bring their product to the market. It appears that the basic Air Bonsai set starts at $200 and they’re targeting a delivery date of August 2016.

But note that the basic set is a DIY set and requires you to use your own plant. The workshop is offering various pre-made bonsai at higher pledge levels ($500 – $1,000) but, due to strict import restrictions, the plants will be procured locally and will likely differ from what’s pictured.


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  1. Beautiful~

  2. When can I buy these

  3. Will we be able to purchase these in the USA? And when?

  4. Very simple idea. Good luck for the innovators.


    January 25, 2016 at 9:00 am


  6. Nice where can u get it?

  7. All the questions everyone is asking can be answered by reading the article. Clearly no one read it.

  8. How match and how can buy it ?

  9. Hi There!, Can you please contact us since we are interested to promote this fine art and energy field product to be popular among the community in Malaysia.

  10. Hello! Where are you guys based? we’d like to make a promo video for MOTHER DIGITAL please drop me an email x

  11. We’re happy everyone is so enthusiastic about this but we’re only a media outlet that reported on the story. Everyone interested in the Air Bonsai should contact Hoshinchu or pledge to their Kickstarter campaign (links to both are in the article).

  12. i can’t speak english!
    Tôi có thể mua cây bonsai lơ lửng này ở đâu? chi phí thế nào?
    Hiện tại tôi đang ở Việt Nam tôi có thể mua được nó hay không ?

  13. buonasera sarei molto lieto se riuscissi a contattarvi per l’aquisto di questo prodotto vorremmo commercializzarlo presso la nostra azienda in italia grazie.

  14. Where in London UK can I purchase one ? svp

  15. The LITTLE GREEN PLANET Project is also live on Kickstarter. BUT it looks more modern AND costs half the price of the Air Bonsai

    I’ve bought it there!

  16. I want one. Where can I purchase? ? Leslie

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