Hiiro: A Modern Bizen-Yaki Water Carafe

Hiiro is a modern, ceramic water carafe made from traditional bizen-yaki. It’s the result of a joint-effort between product designer Shizuka Tatsuno and Daikura, a pottery studio specializing in bizen-yaki.

Bizen-yaki is a type of Japanese pottery that dates back to around the 14th century. It originated in Bizen province (present-day Okayama) and is often characterized by an earthen-like, reddish-brown color, and an absence of glaze.

Keeping with that tradition, product designer Shizuka Tatsuno has created a slick and elegant form, one that is uncommon for bizen-yaki, in which the cup nests perfectly on top of the carafe. And the Daikura potters execute on her designs, created beautiful works of craftsmanship.

There is an old Japanese saying that “water doesn’t go bad in bizen ware.” This probably has a lot to do with the high mineral content of the clay, which helps to purify the water and even improve the taste.

Hiiro is available in the Spoon & Tamago shop. If you’re in Tokyo for the next few days, Tatsuno will be showcasing Hiiro, along with several of her works, at Extra Preview Market on Tennozu Aisle (July 17 – 20, 2019). It’s an industry fair but non-insiders are welcome on July 20th.


  1. I love everything Japanese. They are so precise. This is hand-made but it has a perfect shape.

  2. I’m not sure about it around the world, but in Brazil it is quite common to use a ceramic reservoir for water. Keeps it cool and when properly closed, last for longer.

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